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Dental Implants: Why They're the Gold Standard for Replacing Missing Teeth

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You may think that gaps in your smile are no big deal and that fixing them is just a cosmetic issue, especially if those gaps aren’t visible to others. But missing teeth can actually cause you harm down the road if you leave that gap for too long.

Melisa Christian, DDS, at Dallas Dental Concierge specializes in both general and cosmetic dentistry and understands the symbiotic relationship between a full set of teeth and optimal oral health. That’s why she recommends and provides dental implants.

Here’s why you should seriously consider replacing that lost tooth with the gold standard of dental prosthetics.

Why you should replace missing teeth

Maybe you lost your tooth to decay, or perhaps it was an injury. Whatever the reason for the loss, that gap is a menace to your mouth.

Alters the way you chew

Your mouth was designed to tear and grind food as the first part of the digestion process. Gaps in your teeth force you to chew differently, which can result in inadequately chewed food going down into your stomach, leading to possible digestive issues, such as acid reflux, bloating, diarrhea, and more.

Gaps in your teeth may also cause you to chew on only one side of your mouth, which can lead to pain in your temporomandibular joint and uneven wear on your teeth.

Out of alignment

When you have missing teeth, the neighboring teeth tend to gravitate toward that empty space, which leaves you with crooked teeth. This misalignment means that your upper and lower teeth don't meet properly, which could lead to cracks and fractures.

Bone health

Your jawbone and teeth are interdependent. Your teeth need your jaw to hold them in place, and your jaw needs your teeth to provide stimulation for growth.

Every time you chew, the pressure on your jaw promotes healthy bone tissue. Without it, your bone loses density and begins to deteriorate. Dental implants use a titanium rod to serve as the missing root, solving this problem.

Why dental implants are the best choice for missing teeth

When you have missing teeth, you have options. Depending on how many teeth are missing and where the gaps are located, you can choose a variety of bridges or dentures to cover the space. But neither option gives you the advantages of dental implants.

Here’s what to expect from dental implants.

Healthy jaw

Dr. Christian secures your dental implant with a titanium post anchored to your jawbone. This metal has the ability to bond with your bone over time in a process known as osseointegration. This means you save your tooth and your jawbone.

Restores chewing

With permanent dental implants, you have no worries about slipping dentures or avoiding certain tough or sticky foods. You can grip, grind, tear, chomp, and chew whatever food you choose.

Natural look, feel, and sound

Dr. Christian matches your existing teeth so that your smile looks as natural as if you’d never lost a tooth at all. Unlike dentures and bridges — which take an adjustment period to get used to how to eat, speak, and laugh with the appliance — dental implants perform like natural teeth from day one. They also make no clicking sound often associated with temporary appliances.

Permanent solution

If you take care of them, dental implants should last the rest of your life. There’s no need to take them out and clean them, no worries about losing them, no need for adjustments or replacements. They become part of you and your life.

Dentures, on the other hand, typically last five to 10 years, and bridges up to about 15 years.

Works for full sets of missing teeth

Dental implants are not limited to single-tooth replacements. If you’re missing a row of teeth, Dr. Christian can use All-on-4® to stand in for an entire set of missing teeth.

Now that you know that gap in your mouth is more than just a vanity issue, give us a call or request an appointment online to find out how dental implants can improve your smile and your oral health.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.