Did You Know You Can Get Botox Treatments from Your Dentist?
The first thing you may be asking yourself is, why would a dentist even offer Botox treatments? Most people assume that Botox is only used for cosmetic purposes, to reduce lines and wrinkles, and so it’s something you would more likely find at a dermatologist or plastic surgeon’s office. While Botox is used cosmetically, there are also some amazing medical benefits, including the way it can treat some dental problems.
Botox explained
Botox comes from the botulinum toxin (think: food poisoning) and, when injected, it blocks the signals from the nerves to the muscles, which means those muscles (and thus the wrinkles, lines, and creases, as well) relax. So yes, it is a toxin, and it does cause paralysis in the muscles, but when used in small and diluted quantities, it has some major health benefits.It is an FDA-approved treatment for a number of different medical conditions, and it is now being used for much more than just cosmetic purposes.
Botox and your dentist
The reason dentists are turning to Botox as a dental treatment is that it can help with bruxism (teeth grinding), and TMJ. The temporomandibular joint or the jaw joint (TMJ) is basically the hinge that connects the lower jaw to the skull, and it’s what allows us to talk, chew, and yes, even yawn. If you’re experiencing jaw pain and having difficulty opening and closing your mouth, it will impact everything from speaking to eating.
Grinding your teeth at night can cause some major health and dental issues, including:
- Headaches
- TMJ stiffness and/or pain
- Painful or loose teeth
- Broken, chipped or cracked teeth
If you’re experiencing any trouble with teeth grinding and/or TMJ, you should come in and see us at Dallas Dental Concierge and let Dr. Melisa Christian assess your problem and implement a treatment plan.
The way Botox works for dental issues
Botox does not require anesthesia and will be injected with a small needle into the muscles of your jaw. Since Botox blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles, it reduces muscle contractions and thereby reduces or eliminates your teeth grinding and TMJ issues. While it make take three days to a week to fully kick in, you’ll have only a little discomfort from the actual injections.
The treatment sessions take under an hour and will give you great, long-term relief from your dental issues. The effects will likely last for three to four months, and so you can come back for follow up treatments within that time frame. And yes, they are safe, as long as they are performed by a certified provider like Dr. Christian. There are possible side effects, that can include:
- Infection at the injection site
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Pain
- Allergic reaction
- Possible headaches
All of this will be discussed with you by Dr. Christian at your consultation. And if Botox is not right for you, other interventions, like trays or mouthguards, are available.
Let us show you how Botox treatments can help resolve your painful dental issues. Call us or request an appointment online right here.